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From Improvisation towards Composition, I investigate Body Movement in Space.
The Pulse of Life, Inner Rhythms, SenSorial Perceptions.
Nature. Humanity. Diversity of Arts.
Beauty & Joy.

Inspirations becoming Poetry in Motion.
Dance as a language, Bodies as vehicles.

Since childhood, I have been related to Dance. First it was Classical Dance and along the years I've trained in Contemporary, Butoh, Dance Theatre, Contact Improvisation (CI), Flamenco and Yoga by traveling in Europe, Cuba and India. So, I've experienced the work of many choreographers and artists internationally.

I've collaborated in artistic projects with Karel Neninger, Xuan Alyfe, Luis Fernandes, Pedro Paz, Mar Moreno, Marina Oural, Chefa Alonso, Isabel Cabrero, Alberto Saiz, Cia. Des Nomades, Mónica Cofiño, Le Piano du Lac...
Very involved in the CI movement, I impulse this practice in Spain, Portugal and México. I'm behind the international CI festival 'Asturias Contact Festival' since its birth in 2015 and some other events in Portugal and México.

After a few years established in Portugal, I have returned to my nomadic roots and nowadays I move between Europe and America following the call of different projects and collaborations. I continue with the production of the Butoh dance gathering 'Renascimento em Dança', the brand new BOB Festival and its Cabaret and inmersed in the investigation of the awakening of human being through art together with Mar Moreno in a project call 'Awakening is to Believe to Create'.


In the transition from 2023 to 2024, while I was in Mazunte, I got finally into developing a model of Dance sessions where I get to integrate the different disciplines that nourish my Dance. 'Best of' my most inspiring teachers and my own investigation in movement and composition are the skeleton of these classes / workshops.

"Shaping the Body & Moving the Soul"


In the first part of the class: <from the form to the state>  we develop dynamics from contemporary techniques, somatics, body weather, even flamenco and classical dance glimpses to shape our body, to challenge our coordination, to develop the sense of rhythm, the connexion within the space, within others.

Following the flow and enjoying the resistance, the sweat & the state of presence.

In a second part: <from the state to the form> we investigate movement inspired by images, emotions, philosophy, symbols… The art of Butoh is our ground for an authentic expression of our beings.

From improvisation, we travel towards scenic composition with a diverse  range of choreographic tools.


Get in touch if you are interested in organizing an intensive workshop with me. Ideally  I like to work almost12 hours in total, and with this length even we can create a final performance. I can also adapt and prepare intensives of 6 or 8 hours.






55 minutes performance grounded in the art of Butoh, BOB Cabaret includes different art expressions brought by the artists who take part of the show.

It is a show suitable for all kind of audiences and for theaters or also alternative spaces.

BoB is about the strength of the weak, the vulnerable. The fundamental value of beauty.

The beauty of the weird, of the understandable of the unique being.

The importance of alimenting beauty, practice beauty, see, enjoy, be thankful to beauty.

Maybe it’s about finding a way to get out of the shit, growing as a beautiful flower. 

(Marlene Jöbstl . Artistic director of BOB cabaret)

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Leaded by Mar Moreno, art-therapist and facilitator of Feldenkrais method, the project is structured in three stages, which traces the evolutionary process of human awakening.

First period:

“The government of memories”​


Second period:

“Uprising or Renaissance”


Third period:




The Government of Memories

Inside of the labyrinth. It is the time of duality, confusion and conditioning, in which identification with memories is expressed in the experience of suffering, separation and power struggles. Unaware of our true Being, of our power, we live dependent on the outside. Identified with our character, with our masks, totally manipulable. Without realizing it, we repeat the same story over and over again.


We presented an exhibition at M32_concept store in Donosti, Pais Vasco from December 2023 - February 2024.

Paintings by Mar Moreno, Sculptures by Alberto Aldaba, Installation by Arantxa Ruiz and video dances by Irene Alvarez.

Cuerpos Olvidados 1. Mar Moreno
Cuerpos Olvidados 2. Mar Moreno
Cuerpos Olvidados 3. Mar Moreno
Campo de batalla I. Mar Moreno
Campo de batalla II. Mar Moreno
Campo de batalla III. Mar Moreno
Sacrificio. Mar Moreno
Memorias encarnadas. Mar Moreno
Foto de bodas. Mar Moreno
Dentro D. Alberto Aldaba


The Uprising / Renaissance

A diffuse feeling of growing discomfort, with fleeting lucid visions, generates an increasingly unstable internal state. The observer makes his first incursions and the reality of the labyrinth begins to crack. The process of disidentification of the character and deactivation of memories begins. The space of all possible things is glimpsed. It accesses the awareness of our own value and our inner wisdom.


This was a period of deep investigation and inner transformation following methods as meditations from Joe Dispense and finding in our art a tool for transformation.

We made a presentation at the restaurant 'La pile d'Assiettes' at San Juan de Luz with some paintings from Mar Moreno and some dances of transformation performed by Irene accompaigned by the live music of ... at the service of the audience that was present. June 2024



After this intermediate period of self-knowledge and empowerment, the incarnation of the Being in matter occurs, expressing its full potential. We name ourselves the sole decider and creator of our own world, independent of all outside influence.

End of all internal and external fighting.


Currently working on this third period.



Poesía, Danza, Música

A seed in motion, from Galiza to Uruguay, begins its journey with the great Uruguayan poet Juana de Ibarburu, 'Juana de América' in the link between these two lands. This is the pretext for an scenic creation that integrates several artistic disciplines: poetry, dance, music & pedagogy at the service of theatre. 


Feldenkrais, Dance, Sensitive Painting

As human beings we are complex beings, in search of singularity, of return to the source. We offer this experience combining different practices, as ways of access to the observer that we are, and that complement each other, allowing the different parts of our being, to express themselves and resonate together, in coherence.
A collective space of transformation opens up to transcend old limiting patterns and to welcome other more effective and authentic ones that allow us to express our deep self in our actions as we are and to focus together towards the light!

Captura de pantalla 2021-10-13 a las 14.46.11.png



Todas ellas en mi.

Es Viaje

Es Exilio

Es Vida

Es Sueño

Es Danza

Le pregunto a mis entrañas

o mas bien, mis entrañas danzan



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